There is an interesting discussion going on at about which places are best for retirement (not just golf communities but all communities).  Some participating in the discussion have clearly done their homework and have thought deeply about what issues are important in searching for a home and which issues might be best ignored.
     One participant, for example, looked at dozens of communities in the southeast before buying a property at Dataw Island "because the grounds are pristine, no unsightly junk anywhere, all of the common areas are beautifully maintained, all houses are reviewed by a board of residents to make sure that setbacks are maintain privacy and a common standard of maintenance of properties. The homeowners own the community and the clubhouse and all amenities, so all decisions are made by elected residents, often with votes of the whole community."
     Another participant weighed in on one of my top bugaboos, the obsession of some golf home seekers to focus on no-income-tax states.
     "I'm not sure why NH is on the list as a best place. Don't get me wrong, it's a great state, been here for a little over 30 years. But it is not a state to retire in. Sure there is no state income tax or sales tax. But when retired, income is usually less and you're not buying big ticket items. The property tax can kill someone on a fixed income.
     "We're in the process of moving to Shallotte, NC," he continued, "where Brunswick County is one of the fastest growing counties in the country. Our property tax will go from 7K to 2K. I'm sure that will easily account for any income or sales tax additions we make."
     We work with top real estate professionals in Brunswick County, Dataw Island and dozens of other top golf community destinations in the southeast.  If you would like more information about the top golf communities in the southeast, please contact us.

     "People aren't stupid." That was what my wife said to me during a recent discussion about competition between a Walmart supermarket and the Whole Foods store across the street near our Connecticut home. Most of my wife's friends, careful shoppers all, had stopped at the Walmart for its perceived deep discounts on foodstuffs and found that, almost across the board, Walmart was more expensive than Whole Foods. The assumption on my wife's and her friends' part was that Walmart thought they could slip a fast one by those used to paying premium prices for their groceries at Whole Foods. But people aren't stupid.
     It reminded me of a discussion I had recently with the sales manager at a well-respected golf community in South Carolina. My customers told me after they visited the community that they felt "steered" away from resale homes and toward

My customers felt "steered" away from re-sale properties and toward the developer's new homes and raw dirt.

new properties and spec homes being sold by the developer. In most communities, comparable resale properties are slightly to significantly less expensive, yet the developer's sales agents are extra-incentivized to sell the developer's properties instead. (I am not publishing the name of the golf community here because the practice is more common than one might think. And in all other respects, it is a community I recommend.)