It sounds so simple:  Buy a warm weather vacation home in a golf resort community, use it for family vacations a few weeks each year and then rent it out the rest of the time.  That extra income will help defray mortgage payments or, if no mortgage, will supply a bit of spending money to put toward the annual vacation.

        Although few people ever “pay” for their vacation homes with rental income, the arrangement can work well for those who do approach the idea with a lot of patience and no great expectations.  Patience will be a special virtue if, as some economists and realtors in the southeast suggest, we are seeing the bottom of the market for planned development home prices, many of which are at their lowest ever.  The real investment payoff could come in price appreciation in the coming years, more so than rental income.

        If you are contemplating the purchase of a vacation home you plan to rent out, here are a few things to consider:


Community First

        As with any real estate purchase, success is likely to be governed by the three principles of location, location, location.  Target a resort community that attracts a consistent flow of vacationers, year-round if possible.  Look at a place like Myrtle Beach, for example, where the beaches attract summer crowds and golf attracts the package players the rest of the year (summer is actually non-peak for golf in Myrtle Beach because of the heat).  A year-round resort gives you the best opportunity for a higher annual income from rentals.  For those who like to ski and golf and are not into sun tan lotion and sand, some of New England’s ski resorts transform into golf resorts a couple of months after the snow melts.  We have visited and liked Owl’s Nest in New Hampshire and Stowe and Killington in Vermont.



Don’t Apply Standards of Your Primary Home

        Few of us would want to live permanently in a vacation home we purchase to generate income.  Communities that lure vacationers –- i.e. transients –- are, by definition, not especially private.  Even full-time residents of these communities have to share many of the amenities with “strangers” which sometimes makes for strange bedfellows.  In short, do not expect to feel especially “at home” in a place where every week or two, the cast of characters changes substantially and you furnish your home to withstand temporary-bachelor foursomes on a weeklong or weekend lark. You cannot choose your rental guests –- the management company you hire to rent your place does that (see below) –- and most, but not all, visitors will treat your furnishings with respect.  But why take the chance?  If you have rented one of these units yourself, you know that, after a while, the faux wicker and canvas seating wears on the body and the eyes.  But it sure stands up better than mahogany, and is more easily replaced.


Shop for the Management Fee

        Managing a property yourself, long distance, could be life-altering, and not for the better.  What if a pipe bursts or the toilet leaks?  Are you going to hop on the next plane to go rescue your paying customers?  The vast

Management fees vary widely, from 25% to more than 40% of your rental income.

majority of vacation home owners who rent out their places hire a local or on-site management company to market the unit, clean up after guests leave, check them in and out, provide replacement for any broken fixtures or accessories and generally act in all your best interests.  This service, of course, comes at a cost, sometimes a substantial one.  I have seen fees up to 45% in some resort communities, but also as low as 25%, for example at Wachesaw Plantation, a private golf community in Murrells Inlet, SC.  Wachesaw is one of the Myrtle Beach area’s few members-only clubs, but owners of the handful of cottages set among the live oaks can pass along temporary membership to those who rent the cottages.  The Tom Fazio designed golf course is excellent.

        In short, and no matter what management fee you pay, you need to consider that a $1,000 per week rental rate could mean as little as $600 net to you.


The Economy, The Weather, and The IRS

        Vacation preferences change all the time, sometimes for unpredictable reasons.  Do not purchase a vacation home unless you can afford to pay for it in the lean years.  Should we re-enter a recession, for example, you could rue the day you had the crazy idea to buy a vacation home.  This is an argument for one other criterion in your search for a vacation home:  Identify a place that you would be happy to use multiple weeks each year because if rents are slow, you may be doing just that.

        Understand, however, that your personal use of your rental property is governed by IRS rules.  Generally speaking, if you claim expenses on the home, you are permitted personal use of it for 14 days annually or 10% of the days it is rented out at fair market value (in other words, not to friends and family at below market rates).  You will find a concise explanation of the IRS rules governing vacation rental property by clicking here.


Buy a U.S. Vacation Home; See the World

        We have owned our vacation condo in Pawleys Island, SC, for more than 12 years.  We made the decision from the gitgo not to rent it out, choosing instead the option to furnish it to our liking (not “vacation proof” it) and to ensure it was available if we decided at the last minute to fly or drive down from Connecticut.  We keep enough clothes and other provisions there that we don’t have to worry about packing bags.  Was it a sound economic decision?  Absolutely not.  But from a lifestyle standpoint, we don’t regret it.

        Six years ago, we found another terrific use for the unit:  We swapped it for a two-week stay in Crail, Scotland, less than a mile from two outstanding seaside golf courses and just nine miles from St. Andrews.  Owners of the Crail cottage, Glasgow residents George and Dorothy, stayed at our Pawleys Plantation condo in April that year, and my son Tim and I stayed at the Crail cottage in June.  We had a great time and it sure beat staying in a sterile hotel.  George and Dorothy joined us for round of golf at Balcomie Golf Links, their course in Crail, and at Scottscraig, the seventh oldest course in the world, 15 minutes north of St. Andrews.

        George and I facilitated the swap through a group called HomeLink International, and six years later we remain the best of pen pals.  I daresay that without our vacation home as “bait,” we could not have generated any interest in a swap for our suburban Connecticut home; although the golf in the Hartford, CT, area is pretty good, it is definitely not Myrtle Beach or Scotland.


Coming Soon: Suggestions for a few golf community vacation homes you can rent out.

        The Carolina coastal golf community development organization led by John Reed may be going up-country, according to a letter emailed to club members at The Cliffs Communities earlier this week. If negotiations are successful, Reed will manage the lush roster of amenities and own the unsold real estate in the multi-community development. Reed would engage Troon Golf to manage the golf clubs and is pledging to partner with local home builders and focus on constructing houses in the 2,500 to 4,000 square foot range, somewhat smaller than many Cliffs dwellers built before the recession.

        “The ClubCo Board has advised that they are now focused on attempting to reach agreement with Reed Development and its unnamed investment fund partner,” the letter indicated, adding that ClubCo had tabled negotiations with two other suitors.

        Cliffs founder Jim Anthony owes $64 million to club members and millions more on his real estate holdings. ClubCo, which operates the golf courses, and Cliffs Communities Inc., which controls the real estate, would

More than 500 members loaned The Cliffs founder $64 million; 1,500 did not.

declare bankruptcy before a Reed acquisition. Reed, with the backing of members, would present its proposal to the bankruptcy court. In golf community bankruptcy cases we have followed in recent years, courts have been inclined to accept reasonable, comprehensive proposals from new ownership supported by members and residents. One potentially thorny issue is that the 1,500 or so club members who declined to participate in the voluntary loan to Anthony are still owed a large percentage of their initiation deposits; at its height, membership initiation was $150,000 at The Cliffs. And those who loaned the $64 million to Anthony expected to be repaid within seven years (last payment to be five years from now).

        “Reed is currently proposing a vesting of old initiation fees over five years, with less than full repayment,” according to the letter, adding that “Noteholders would receive a higher percentage payout and faster vesting than non-Noteholders.”  Although vesting rules were not spelled out in the letter, the implication is that everyone will get back less than promised originally, and those who risked their capital in loaning Anthony the money will get it back at a faster rate than others.

        On its face, the Reed proposal is good news for Cliffs residents and club members. Developers, even the good ones, are often targets for criticism by residents of their communities. But Mr. Reed has managed to

John Reed has managed to stay above the fray in the world of golf course development. That's saying something.

operate above the fray for almost four decades, keeping his promises to homeowners, including the ones to turn over amenities. He appears to be attuned to the vagaries of the housing market, downscaling his newer developments at Hampton Hall and Hampton Lake just before the economy turned and upscale went out of fashion. Apparently, he has never done anything so rash as to hire and overpay an untested golf course designer, as Jim Anthony did when he engaged Tiger Woods to build his first American course at High Carolina. Mr. Reed seems to display the kind of level-headed stewardship The Cliffs sorely needs.

        Noteholders will meet on Wednesday at Furman University in Greenville, SC, to discuss the Reed proposal.  The following day, all members will meet for an update on the fast evolving situation at The Cliffs.  Stay tuned.