No highway east of the Mississippi and, perhaps, in all of America is more chock-a-block with golf communities than is U.S. Highway 17, which begins somewhere around Winchester, VA, and runs out of macadam in Punta Gorda, FL.  For most of its length, the highway hugs the coast, breezing through or brushing against such popular golfing destinations as Wilmington, Myrtle Beach, Charleston, and Savannah.  A couple searching for any type of golf community on the coast can pretty much stay on U.S. 17 for a few weeks worth of visits.

        South of Norfolk, U.S. 17 makes its way through the Albemarle Sound area.  The Albemarle, located on the northeast coast of North Carolina, was a little late to develop golf communities.  The towns of Hertford, Edenton and Elizabeth City did not provide the lure of, say, a Myrtle Beach, for northerners seeking entertainment and other attractions to go with their golf course living.  For peace and quiet, though, it is hard to beat.

        Until recently, Albemarle Plantation, with its Dan Maples course Sound Links, could lay claim to being the only golf community of note in the area.  But now it has some competition in Scotch Hall Preserve, a fledgling community that will be built around an already opened and well-reviewed Arnold Palmer golf course about a half hour south of Albemarle Plantation and just a couple of miles off U.S. Highway 17.  I am making my first trip to Scotch Hall tomorrow to play the golf course and talk with the developers; I visited Albemarle Plantation a few years ago and was impressed with its location and its golf course.

        Unlike in places like Myrtle Beach, where there are so many golf communities that any attempt to stand out is an expensive and potentially futile exercise, the Albemarle Sound area is different, with just these two players.  I noted on my drive south today that the marketing skirmishes between the two communities have begun in the trenches, literally, alongside U.S. 17.   The dueling billboards reminded me of the gas wars of the 1960s.  Customers looking for the type of lifestyle the Albemarle Sound can provide should be the beneficiaries of the added competition.

        If you are interested in more information about either of these communities, or in arranging for a visit, please contact me.


Real estate taxes on million dollar homes in The Landings near Savannah, GA, run about $12,000 a year, one-third of the assessment on similar homes in many northern metro areas.


        For legal reasons too convoluted to get into here, property taxes in the already overburdened state of New Jersey may continue their straight line up, according to an article today in the Wall Street Journal.  A string of state supreme court rulings have resulted in suburban New Jersey taxpayers paying not only for their local schools but also for under-funded urban schools.  Few dispute the urban schools needs for the extra help, but plenty of folks believe that suburbanites are paying an unfair share of the burden.  One West Orange owner of a “four-bedroom home on a small lot” estimates, for example, that his annual property tax of $26,000 will soon increase a couple thousand dollars.

        New Jersey’s property tax increases are not unusual among northeastern states as they all scramble to find a way out of their budget crises and to comply with court rulings.  Those baby boomer home owners waiting for the values of their homes to return to pre-2005 levels might do well to compare their tax burden with property tax bills in highly livable areas of the south.  If you can save $10,000 or more a year on taxes by moving, that could be an encouragement to sharpen the listing price on your primary home.

        Based on his tax bill, that West Orange owner’s home is valued between $800,000 and $900,000.  Here are some current assessed annual tax rates (and fees) on homes valued in that same range in a few of our favorite golf communities in the southern U.S. (golf course designers indicated)


Asheville, NC (Hendersonville)

Champion Hills (Fazio)

3,800 square feet, 3 BR, 3 1/2 BA, offered at $825,000

Taxes:  $3,210.  Fees:  $2,556.  Total:  $5,766


Charlottesville, VA (Keswick)

Glenmore (LaFoy)

6,057 square feet, 5 BR, 5 BA, offered at $829,000

Taxes:  $5,443.  Fees:  $797


Greenville, SC (Greer)

Thornblade Club neighborhood (Fazio)

6,100 square feet, 5 BR, 4 BA, 2 1/2 BA, offered at $899,000

Taxes: $6,523   Fees:  $560


Skidaway Island, GA (Savannah)

The Landings (Fazio, Palmer, Hills, Byrd)

3,700 square feet, 3 BR, 4 1/2 BA, offered at $825,000

Taxes: $9,600    Fees:  $1,460


Chapel Hill, NC

Governors Club (Nicklaus)

5,749 square feet, 5 BR, 5 1/2 BA, offered at $799,000

Taxes:  $4,862.  Fees:  $1,900