I just signed off on the June edition of Home On The Course, our free monthly newsletter.  This is the biggest one we have published, loaded with advice for anyone contemplating a vacation home or retirement home in a golf community in the southern U.S.  It features a list of the “hazards” we face when we look for a home on the golf course, and what we can do to avoid “bunker mentality.”  We consider such issues as proximity to airport, state tax rates, distance from nearby cities, the climate and Internet marketing of golf developments, with some traps to avoid along the way.

         This may be our most provocative issue yet.  Don’t miss out.  Sign up today at the top left of this page.  Even if we mail the issue before you sign up, I will personally send you the June copy, and you will receive all future issues automatically.

        There are a couple of reasons I don’t hit more than just a few limbering shots on a practice range before I head for the first tee.  One, I really do leave all the good ones on the range.  Unfettered by the pressure to hit a shot exactly where I want

Should private club golfers really have to mark off the yardage on the practice range?

to, I, of course, hit the ball where I want to on the range, straight and generally true.  But the other reason for ignoring the range is that, with few exceptions, yardage markers on practice ranges, even at some of the better private golf clubs, are inconsistently placed, if indeed they are there at all.  At my advancing age, I never know if I have picked a day when my 5-iron will fly 160 yards or 150.  To find out on the range before the round would be a big benefit, but should we really have to walk off the 10 or 15 yards to the marker and then do the math to figure out the distance.  Is it really that expensive to put a few more yardage blocks in the ground?

        Fully outfitted ranges are far and few between, but when I find one I am impressed.  The golf community of Fawn Lake, which I visited for the first time this week, has one of the best.  Wide enough for a full outing of golfers to practice and with pins stuck in shaved areas that look like putting greens, the Fawn Lake range is a great place to practice before or between rounds.  And if you keep your head down, you will see clearly marked yardage blocks on the Fawn Lake range, spaced at intervals of about five yards for the 25 yard depth of the hitting area.

         I rarely use a practice range on days when I don’t play.  But if I lived at Fawn Lake, I might make an exception.


Great ground game:  Fawn Lake's clearly marked and frequently placed yardage markers makes its practice range among the most helpful anywhere.