Because I own a vacation home there, I am on the mailing list for a few real estate agents who list and sell properties in Pawleys Plantation in Pawleys Island, SC.  Occasionally they send out market reports indicating

Owners of homes in stable golf communities may not be dropping their prices as much as buyers expect.

properties that have sold recently, and one I received today was interesting in that it indicated not only the price homes sold for but also their original listing prices.  The conclusion I draw from this admittedly small sample is that sellers of homes in stable golf communities may not be dropping their prices as much as buyers expect; or, alternately, they may be pricing them initially low enough that buyers are content with a drop of just a few percentage points in the negotiation.

        Owners of condos in the sample tended to be a little more flexible in dropping their prices than were owners of single-family homes.  In Pawleys Planation, owners of the two condos sold them at prices 13% and 6% less than the original asking price (percentages rounded off).  The discounts off list price for the four single-family homes that sold were just 2%, 3%, 4% and 5%.

        Each real estate negotiation has its own particular calculus. But these numbers at Pawleys are not dissimilar from what real estate agents in other areas of the south are telling me.  The conclusion for anyone searching for a golf community home is to decide what a home is worth to you and, if a few percentage points gets you there, do the deal.  You don't necessarily win when the other guy loses.

        Higher than normal sea surface temperatures and a weakening La Niña effect have led scientists in two respected organizations to come to about the same conclusion -– the upcoming hurricane season that begins next week is likely to produce above-average activity.  The La Niña effect –- the opposite of El Niño -- lowers sea surface temperatures, leading to dryer periods.  When the effect weakens, conditions support more rain.

        The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issued its latest hurricane season predictions just a few days ago, forecasting that the nation will endure between three and six major hurricanes during the season (one to three is “normal”); six to 10 hurricanes (five to seven normal); and 12 to 18 named storms (nine to 12 is normal).  The official hurricane season lasts from June 1 to November 30.

        The NOAA’s predictions follow and concur with those of

Hurricane Donna in 1960 produced hurricane force winds from Florida to New England.

Colorado State University’s well-regarded hurricane experts Phillip Klotzbach and William Gray, who earlier estimated five major hurricanes, nine hurricanes and 17 named storms, which they have since revised to 16 storms.  Normal annual activity between 1950 and 2000, the professors determined, was fewer than 10 storms and six hurricanes, and just 2.3 major hurricanes.  If the forecasters are correct, named hurricanes, which are listed alphabetically as they occur, will stop in the 2011 season at Philippe, the 16th on this year’s list; Sean, Tammy, Vince and Whitney will remain unused.

        We have helped some of our readers find homes in golf communities along the eastern seaboard, and others are currently considering the purchase of a home near the coast in the Carolinas.  History suggests major hurricanes occur there, on average, every couple of decades.  In 1960, for example, Hurricane Donna set something of a record by becoming the first, and still only, storm to register hurricane-force winds in Florida, the Mid-Atlantic states, and New England, including 120 mph gusts in Manteo, NC, at the southern end of the Outer Banks.

        It would be almost 30 years, however, before another storm of

Hurricane Hugo's winds, which devasted Charleston at 120 mph, were still blowing up to 99 mph in Charlotte, a three-hour drive inland.

magnitude would assault the Carolinas, and it was a big one.  In 1989, Hurricane Hugo devastated the city of Charleston with winds up to 120 mph.  Even Charlotte, a three-hour drive inland, measured wind gusts to 99 mph from Hugo.  Hurricane Floyd 10 years later had its eye on Wilmington, NC, literally, dumping nearly 20 inches on the sodden town before producing a foot of rain or more on a path that took it north through New York State.  Isabel and Charley in 2003 and 2004, respectively, precipitated torrential rains in the Carolinas and spawned a number of dangerous tornadoes.  Since then, the Carolina coast has not endured the kinds of storms experienced by Gulf coast towns in the early years of this century, including the now legendary Katrina.

        With such modern inventions as the Weather Channel and with well-honed local evacuation plans in virtually every beach community, those who live along the coast receive plenty of warning and have plenty of escape options before the storms come.  Modern construction methods have made homes in most locations able to withstand the strongest storms.  Most of us will take our chances in exchange for the opportunity to be close by a mostly peaceful ocean.  Our hope here is for a safe and uneventful 2011 hurricane season.