I read an interesting and accurate comment earlier today by a contributor to a discussion forum at TopRetirements.com. She wrote: “We are also looking at…South Carolina. The property in SC appears to be much less than FL as they only assess property at 4% of the market value. We compared a $220,000 home in SC to one in FL, and the difference is nearly $2,000. Has anyone else found this to be true?”

        It’s a good question…and a good point. As we have counseled here many times, taxation is relative to a couple’s personal situation. If you have a million dollar income in retirement, a golf community in a no-income-tax

For couples with a $100,000 income and $800,000 home, taxes are lower in Delaware than in the no income tax state of Florida.  For couples with a $60,000 income and $225,000 home, it is pretty much a wash.

state like Florida (or Texas, Tennessee and Alabama) will be high on your list to investigate. But if like most of the rest of us, you will rely on less than a six-figure annual income from pensions and/or social security, then income tax may very well take a back seat to property and sales taxes, which affect every homeowner, no matter their income.

        There are some scenarios in which a state with an income tax is cheaper to live in than a state with no income tax at all. According to the tax calculator at the web site dollarology.net, a couple with an annual income of $100,000, annual “non-food” expenses of $50,000, a grocery bill of $10,000 a year, a home worth $800,000 and a car driven 10,000 miles per year at 22 miles per gallon would pay a total of $8962.17 if they lived in Delaware, which assesses an income tax, and $9556.36 if they lived in Florida, which assesses no income tax. The Delaware couple would pay almost $6,500 more in state income tax, but that would be more than offset by lower sales taxes (Delaware does not charge any) and property taxes (much lower in “The First State”).

        Interestingly, couples that live more modestly will find Florida slightly more advantageous than Delaware and most other states. (Since income would be lower, you would think the effects of income tax would be disproportionately less significant in Florida, but it is not so.) When you lower income to $60,000, non-food expenses to $30,000, groceries to $8,000 and the house value to $225,000, the result is an advantage of $55 per year in taxes for Florida over Delaware.

        Yes, it is a negligible difference, and not enough in itself to turn a couple from considering a higher income tax state. Indeed, when you take our first example above –- the couple with a $100,000 annual income –-

Annual total taxes in South Carolina are generally about $7,000 less than they are in New Jersey.

and put them in, say, South Carolina, they will generally pay $4,560 more annually than if they lived in a Florida golf community, and $6,115 more than in North Carolina. Those are not inconsequential differences, but some couples may look at what they have saved by moving South and say, “What the heck.” For our scenario immediately above, for example, New Jersey total taxes are $7,000 more than those in South Carolina.

        By the way, the most advantageous tax state of all is Alaska. We understand the golf there is excellent -– in July.

        For those faithful and close readers of this blog site, you will recall that last week I made the not-so-bold prediction that Tiger Woods would likely win the Masters (he wuz robbed!) and the much bolder prediction that South African Louis Oosthuizen might pull an upset. Tiger finished in a tie for 5th, and Louis – known on tour as “Shrek” for cartoon like visage, played like an ogre and didn’t make the cut.

        Clearly, I should put aside any pretensions at crystal ball golf and stick to writing about golf communities. Speaking of which, we just sent out our latest edition of our free monthly newsletter, Home On The Course, to our

Lot sales are helping new owners of previously cash strapped communities to pay down debt in short order.

1,000 or so subscribers. For those wondering how new ownership of some of the South’s premier golf communities could affect your buying decision, we look at a few of the more noteworthy communities, like Reynolds Plantation in Georgia, The Cliffs Communities in the Carolina mountains, and Balsam Mountain Preserve, whose new owners have developed a business model for formerly “distressed” properties that is helping them to pay down debt quickly.


You can buy a lot at Grand Harbor golf community and build your dream home for around $300,000.  Similar bargains are still available at some of the South's best golf communities.


        We also asked some of our favorite real estate professionals to clue us in on the best-valued golf-view lots in their communities and what the local going rates for construction are. We do the math for those contemplating building their dream home on a golf course in a choice southern golf community (prices for a brand new house built to your specifications range from $302,000 to $662,000).

        If you do not currently subscribe to Home On The Course, no worries. Just click on the link at the top of this column and follow the instructions to subscribe or, if you prefer, send me a note and I will be pleased to send you a copy and register you as a subscriber.  You will receive all future issues automatically.