Prospective buyers love to see a golf community developer with deep pockets. A strong and steady backer, like Lord Baltimore Capital at Leland, NC’s Brunswick Forest, not only provides a sense of financial security but the extra cash the community can spend to market itself. That is a big reason why Brunswick Forest sales kept chugging along through the recession.

        For those dedicated readers wondering why your correspondent has been missing in action for the past week or so, the excuse is that I have been in the Lowcountry of South Carolina for a few days of some of the best golf you can enjoy in the southeast. My Connecticut friend Larry, a former work colleague during our corporate lives, maintains a “national” membership at Secession Golf Club near Beaufort, SC (that’s the one pronounced “byooh-fert” as opposed to the town of the same name in North Carolina, which is pronounced “beau-fert”). Most of the more than 700 members of Secession hail from some distance, including other countries. (I heard a few Scottish brogues in the clubhouse bar.) But no members anywhere -– or guests for that matter -– are treated any better than at Secession, where a doting staff, excellently trained caddies (they are mandatory, no carts available) and golf professional Mike Harmon, straight out of central casting for gregarious old pro, are well in evidence.