We don't rely on rumors, but some are too strong to ignore. This morning on the golf course at Pawleys Plantation in Pawleys Island, SC, my playing partner stated decisively that Chinese investors had made a successful bid for the multiple golf courses owned by National Golf Management (NGM), including my own club, Pawleys Plantation. The source she mentioned seemed reliable enough that I sent a couple of text messages from the golf cart to people intimate with the Myrtle Beach area golf scene. A long-time and well-connected member of one of the NGM clubs indicated he understood that due diligence was under way between NGM management and the Chinese investors, and that an announcement of a sale could be just days away. Others were more circumspect about what they knew, but no one denied a sale was imminent. As one Pawleys Plantation employee replied, perhaps a bit too quickly, when I asked if he had been informed of the purchase, "I don't know, but why wouldn't they [the Chinese] buy the courses? They have plenty of money."
        Indeed they do, and they have spent it aggressively in recent months to acquire 13 Myrtle Beach area golf courses for more than $40 million, a mix of well respected layouts and some not considered especially top quality. One of the clubs they purchased, TPC of Myrtle Beach, was previously managed by NGM. Other courses among those purchased by the Chinese include International World Tour, with 18 holes that mimic some of the most recognizable in the world of golf; and three courses in the Classic Group of clubs – Indian Wells, Founders Club and Burning Ridge.
        Should the rumors be true and the Chinese investors purchase the 19 courses currently owned or managed by NGM, the Chinese portfolio will reach a total of 32 clubs, about one-third of all current clubs between Shallotte, NC, and Georgetown, SC; and they will boast some of the Grand Strand's most iconic courses, including Pawleys Plantation, Grande Dunes Resort, Kings North, Long Bay and the "Grandaddy" of them all, Pine Lakes International, opened in 1927 and the site of the founding of Sports Illustrated magazine.
        At the Pawleys Plantation Golf Club's annual meeting in February, NGM President Robert Maraugas was asked by a club member if there was any truth to the rumors about NGM selling its courses, including Pawleys Plantation, to a Chinese company. Maraugas indicated there were no active negotiations at the time, but added the oft-repeated catchall that everything is for sale at the right price.
        If the rumors are true, and we believe they are, that price has been met. Given what the Chinese have paid previously for the 13 golf courses in the area, and if the negotiations include all of the 19 affiliated NGM courses, we are betting the over/under for all will be $120 million.
RiverClubChinesestoryThe River Club in Pawleys Island is one of the clubs owned or managed by National Golf Management that could be involved in a sale to Chinese investors, potentially bringing the number of courses in the Myrtle Beach area owned by the Chinese to more than 30.

        The 6th green at Jack Nicklaus' Pawleys Plantation golf course is among the most difficult to hit, which is saying a lot on the tough layout.  The green is about 30 yards front to back, pinched in at the middle by a bunker on the left and another on the right.  To make matters more challenging, the approach shot, typically with a mid iron, is over an alligator occupied pond that slopes down from the front of the green.  There is typically not much to look forward to in crossing the bridge over the edge of the pond to get to the green -- except to see how the owner of the home just to the left of the cart path at greenside has adorned the back of his house.  As my foursome approached last Friday, we noticed the occupant was flying the flags of each of the Final Four teams in the NCAA National Championship basketball tournament.  I played again on Monday afternoon and, sure enough, only the flags of Duke and Wisconsin remained.  One of my playing partners who lives year-round in Pawleys Plantation remarked that the owner of the house owns something like 250 different flags.  I'm just sorry I didn't drive past his house the day after the field of 64 was announced in mid-March.
        Congratulations to the Duke Blue Devils.  It was a terrific game.