Kiplinger’s latest lists of the best and worst states for taxes are a mixed bag of the blindingly obvious with a few surprises. The blindingly obvious are, essentially, embedded on the “worst” list. Six of the worst 10 are located in the Northeast, and California (the absolute worst on the list) and Hawaii (#4) come as no surprise. Minnesota and Illinois round out the list at #s 9 and 10, respectively.
        But the lowest overall tax states are something of a surprise in that they do not include the famously no-income-tax states of Florida, Tennessee and New Hampshire. In order from #1 to 10 are: Delaware, Wyoming, Alaska, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada and South Carolina.
        Delaware is a sleeper state for retirees, and it ranks not only #1 on Kiplinger’s list of friendly tax states but also #1 on that financial publication’s list of the best states for retirement. And for a small state, it has a large range of golf communities across all price ranges. Check them out at the Delaware golf communities page of our Golf Homes for Sale section. Do the same for an even wider selection of golf communities in South Carolina.
PeninsulaClubdoglegaroundwaterThe Peninsula Club was the first private Jack Nicklaus designed golf course in the state of Delaware. The state has been anointed the "most tax friendly" by Kiplinger's financial publication.

        A Bloomberg news service headline a week ago must have made some recent retirees a little nervous, especially those who are poised to start searching for a vacation or retirement home. “Bargains Dry Up; So Do Vacation Home Sales” blared the headline in my local Hartford Courant Sunday real estate section, as I am sure it did in other local papers across the land. Citing National Association of Realtor figures, the article reported that sales of vacation homes in 2015 were down 19 percent compared with 2014 sales, and that the competition among baby boomers for a dwindling number of properties is driving prices higher. Indeed, the median price of vacation homes that sold in 2015 jumped to $192,000, a 28 percent rise. Since, in very few instances, current primary homes in the North are appreciating at rates approaching 28 percent annually -– or even double digits for that matter –- baby boomers poised to sell their current homes and move to a warmer climate could continue to lose buying power the longer they wait. (Full disclosure: I am a baby boomer trying to get our primary home in Connecticut ready for sale, but it is taking forever to get rid of stuff. Sound familiar?)
        Although the numbers don’t lie, we know of some extreme bargains in high-quality golf communities across the Southeast, although you may have to make a compromise or two in terms of location. For example, Savannah Lakes Village, one of our favorites for its low real estate prices and low cost but well-tended amenities, including 36 holes of golf, is located a good half hour from Greenwood, SC, the nearest town that provides services beyond the one supermarket eight minutes from the community. Those looking for single-family homes that begin in the low $100s and homes with views of beautiful Lake Thurmond that start in the mid $200s may find the remote location not much of an inconvenience at all.
        There are dozens of other such golf communities across the region. Take just 10 minutes to fill out our Golf Homes Questionnaire -- click here – and we will share with you which golf communities best match your lifestyle, your golfing interests and your plans for a good chunk of the rest of your life.
SavannahLakesdownhilltogreenSavannah Lakes Village in McCormick, SC, features two fine 18 hole golf courses and Lake Thurmond, as well as some of the most reasonable real estate and amenity prices anywhere.