Kiplinger’s latest lists of the best and worst states for taxes are a mixed bag of the blindingly obvious with a few surprises. The blindingly obvious are, essentially, embedded on the “worst” list. Six of the worst 10 are located in the Northeast, and California (the absolute worst on the list) and Hawaii (#4) come as no surprise. Minnesota and Illinois round out the list at #s 9 and 10, respectively.
But the lowest overall tax states are something of a surprise in that they do not include the famously no-income-tax states of Florida, Tennessee and New Hampshire. In order from #1 to 10 are: Delaware, Wyoming, Alaska, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada and South Carolina.
Delaware is a sleeper state for retirees, and it ranks not only #1 on Kiplinger’s list of friendly tax states but also #1 on that financial publication’s list of the best states for retirement. And for a small state, it has a large range of golf communities across all price ranges. Check them out at the Delaware golf communities page of our Golf Homes for Sale section. Do the same for an even wider selection of golf communities in South Carolina.The Peninsula Club was the first private Jack Nicklaus designed golf course in the state of Delaware. The state has been anointed the "most tax friendly" by Kiplinger's financial publication.