
Ocean Ridge features four golf courses, with another on the way, most of them designed by Tim Cate.  Photo courtesy of Ocean Ridge.


    With the inventory of community homes and lots everywhere stuck in a holding pattern, one North Carolina development company has decided to put a little romance into its marketing efforts.  River's Edge and Ocean Ridge Plantations are touting Valentine's vacation packages, both under the aegis of the development firm Coastal Companies.
    The two golf communities are offering a $149 package per couple, which includes two nights of lodging and complimentary green fees.  At Ocean Ridge, the first dozen couples to arrive on Valentine's Day will receive a complimentary dinner for two at a local restaurant.  Of course, as is customary with such "discovery" packages, a property tour is required, a small price to pay for a discount priced mini-vacation.  And, who knows, you just might find the home of your dreams.
    Ocean Ridge, located in Sunset Beach, just a few minutes from North Myrtle Beach and the ocean, is home to the Big Cats golf courses, so named for its four layouts -- Tiger's Eye, Panther's Run, Lion's Paw and the one-year old Leopard's Chase. Willard Byrd designed Lion's Paw and the other courses are the work of Tim Cate, who also designed the community's fifth course, Jaguar's Lair, which will open late in 2009, a year behind schedule.  
    River's Edge, with a course by Arnold Palmer, is located another 30 minutes up the coast, south of Wilmington and Southport.  Lots at Ocean Ridge and River's Edge begin in the $200s, with houses starting around $500,000 at River's Edge and in the $400s at Ocean Ridge.  About 40% of properties remain to be sold by the developer at Ocean Ridge, and $200,000 will get you a lot with a view of the golf club and club membership, a $25,000 value.
   Last year, I helped a reader purchase a lot in Ocean Ridge and would be happy to do the same for others.  Just hit the "contact us" button at the top of the page, send me a note, and I will go to work for you.  As always, there is neither an obligation nor a charge for this service.

    The following, lifted from the "disclaimer" statements at the web sites of a few well known golf communities in the southern U.S., are good reminders that the fine print paints a more realistic picture than do salespeople and marketing brochures.  Names of the actual golf communities have been changed to protect the equivocating. Caveat emptor.

"The Perfect Golf Community, Inc. and/or its affiliates assume no liability, whether in contract or tort, for any direct [or] indirect special, consequential or punitive damages, including (without limitation) damages for loss of anticipated profits or revenue or other economic loss in connection with or arising from any act or omission by Perfect Golf Community, Inc., its agents, affiliates, joint venture partners, independent contractors, or unaffiliated third parties as a result of any act or omission in fulfillment of [or] in breach of this Policy."  (Editor's note:  I have inserted the needed [or]s; the community in question has spent more than $10 million in marketing expenses in some years and yet cannot proofread their own legal statements.)

"These materials including the features described and depicted herein are based upon current development

How are the plans for a four-year old community still in the "formative stage?"

plans, which are subject to change without notice. The plans for Wondrous Community are in the formative stages only.  No guarantee is made that said features will be built, or if built, will be the same type, size, or nature as described or depicted. Photographs are for illustration only.  Prices, plans and dates are subject to change without prior notice.  Make travel arrangements at your own risk. Where applicable, obtain the Property Report required by Federal Law and read it before signing any papers.  No federal agency has judged the merits or value, if any, of this property." (Editor's note:  The community in question is now four years old, making it hard to believe that plans are still "in the formative stage."  And what does "Make travel arrangements at your own risk mean?"  Beware of alligators when you play their golf course?)  

"Square footage[s] are approximate and may vary."  (Editor's note:  Since everything is blueprinted and surveyed, why must square footages be approximate?)

"Illustrations, maps, photographs, and other illustrative images are used for conceptual purposes only."  (Editor's note:  Get in writing at the time of contract that the clubhouse or amenities center will be substantially as promised.)

"All provisions of the master plan are subject to change, revision or deletion by the Developer at its sole discretion, at any time, without notice."  (Editor's note:  Ditto.  Everything about a sale of property is up for negotiation, and most developers in the current economy will not quibble too much.  If you are a good negotiator, you can override the disclaimer in the contract of sale.)