For you night owls and European readers of this blog site, you still have a few hours to sign up to receive automatically the August issue of Home On The Course, our unique newsletter that includes unbiased observations
The promotion and hype from golf community marketing apparatuses will begin again. Home On The Course is the enemy of hype.

about the golf community market, as well as news, information and, starting this month, listings of a select group of homes in communities that I have personally visited and can recommend.  For all others, sign up when you can and I will personally send you the August issue (and, if you like it, the July and June issues as well).
    If you are not completely satisfied, I will refund your money.  Oh, wait a minute; the publication is totally FREE, so in the unlikely event you are not completely satisfied, you may unsubscribe at any time.  Or, better yet, drop me a line and let me know what topics and information you are looking for and we will do our best to include it.
    As many real estate professionals and economists are indicating we have reached the bottom in the market, I can predict one thing for sure; the promotion and hype from golf community marketing apparatuses will begin again.  Consider Home On The Course and Golf Community Reviews the enemies of hype, and the defenders of freedom of information for what you need to know about golf communities.
    Sign up today on this page, top left.  Please note; we will never share your personal information (email address and name) with anyone.

    In North Carolina, when the going gets tough, the state's residents go shopping.  Today is the first day of Tax Free Weekend in the state, a once a year event that helps strapped consumers -- and strapped retailers -- through the back to school shopping season.  The Tax Free Weekend comes just a couple of days after the state legislature passed a roster of tax increases.
    Tax-free items for the weekend include virtually all clothing as well as certain other items that both directly and loosely could be construed as for the benefit of a student.  Other, totally unrelated items -- think diapers for the elderly and baby's rubber pants -- have found their way onto the roster of items free of sales tax for the three days.  Most purchases must be less than $100, but tax-free spending for a new computer, for example, can be as much as $3,500.  A long list of sports items also avoid the taxman this weekend, but it is always best to ask your friendly merchant if the golf stuff you will stock up on are on the list.  
    South Carolina and other states are also sponsoring tax-free weekends.