The town of Hershey, PA, doesn't smell like a candy bar anymore; all manufacturing has moved to Mexico (what else?), but Hershey Corporation's headquarters remain in town along with the eponymous Hershey Park and its large amusement area.  For fun and games, try the excellent local golf courses. 

        Today I followed a group of collegiate golfers around Hershey Links.  It is worth a trip off the interstate if you are traveling through central Pennsylvania looking for a challenging, well-conditioned course.  Formerly known as Wren Dale, the nearby Hershey Resort added the track to its two resort courses and changed the name to Hershey Links.  The course, by Hurdzan and Fry, is seven years old and was carved out of beautiful former farm land with many deep ravines that split some dramatically contoured holes.  The course is very well tended, quite manicured for a public facility.  Those who can't get the ball airborne on every shot are in for a day of frustration.  Others who can take advantage of generous fairways and find the greens in regulation will need a confident putting stroke to have a sweet day.

        If you can tolerate the traffic around Hershey when the amusement park is in full swing, and if you don't mind waiting in line at many of the local restaurants, stick around for a few days and play Hershey Links as well as the Robert Trent Jones East and West Courses at The Hershey Resort.  I'll be walking the East Course tomorrow and will report back later.


Hershey Links is characterized by forced carries over deep ravines to sloping greens.

          Numbers don't lie, but the data about the housing market can be confusing.  What does it mean, for example, that housing starts improved month to month?  Are we seeing more new homes because of buyer demand or because builders are trying to keep their employees working before they leave for a more predictable industry (like hamburger flipping, perhaps)?  Do any of us really care about home sales volume if prices are not recovering?

         Foreclosure issues still hang over the housing market (and over the recession, which ended

Hanging on to a house with taxes of $16,000 to get a few extra dollarsin sale price before you move to that home in NC with $2,000 in taxes may be a fool's economy.

this week, according to Fed Chairman Bernanke), but their impact on the market of concern to us here -- vacation and retirement homes on golf courses -- is dubious.  There are generally two housing markets developing in America -- the one that needs an $8,000 stimulus to buy a house, and the market in which enough wealth has been built over the length of careers that moving from one $500,000 home to another (in a warmer climate) is a realistic dream.

         According to my inbox and telephone, those in this latter group are coming off the sidelines.  I never thought of this humble blog site as a leading indicator, just a place for honest information about golf real estate where I throw a few ideas and honest reviews of golf communities out there and if someone connects to what I've written, they might send me an occasional question or comment. 

         Over the last few years, those have not exactly flooded in, or even petered in...until now.  In the last few weeks, no more than a few days have gone by without some contact from a couple asking for ideas about their next stop in the housing market.  They are generally within a couple of years of age 60; retired or a year within retirement; typically looking for a home in a golf community in the Carolinas and Georgia (not Florida, at this point); and ready to take whatever the market will give them for a price on their primary homes up north (although I am working with one Florida couple looking to move to the Carolinas). 

         Maybe the knowledge that winter is just around the corner is driving most of them, but I think something stronger is at work here.  Baby boomers, who have worked hard to reject the Depression mentality and sacrificial personalities of their parents, may have reached the point at which they realize that deferring their dreams while they wait for the value of their primary homes to come back is too steep a price to pay.  Some, like the nice lady from New Jersey I spoke with yesterday, have also figured out that waiting is a fool's economy when taxes on your primary home are $16,000 a year and taxes on the home you have looked at in North Carolina are just $2,000.

         There are plenty of good personal reasons for people to defer a move, such as family issues, part-time job prospects, and other important aspects related to lifestyle.  But in this market, at this time, and with more boomers starting to begin again the migration south that was interrupted in 2005 with the collapse of the market and many stock portfolios, waiting for one home to increase in value before you buy another that is likely to appreciate faster could be a costly game.