The "back to school" edition of Home On The Course, our free monthly newsletter, has been distributed.  This month's issue features our choices for the top five towns in the southeastern U.S. that combine excellent lifelong learning programs in the nearby universities with outstanding golf communities.

         Below is a sneak preview, including our #4 and #5 choices.  To read about #1, #2, and #3, simply fill out the box at the

To find out our top three choices of college towns with excellent local golf communities, sign up for our free newsletter.

top left of this page, confirm your subscription when you receive an automatic email from us, and the free newsletter will be sent to you within a few hours.  You will receive future issues automatically.  Remember, we respect your privacy and will never share your personal information with anyone.

         Enjoy, and if you have a favorite college/golf town that is not on our list, please send me your choice and comments by using the Comment form at the end of this article.  I will be happy to publish them.



#4     Asheville, NC

         I think many raters would put Asheville at the top of their lists, and I understand why.  The area features the most dramatic landscape of all the top university towns, nestled as it is in the Blue Ridge Mountains, and many fall in love with the place because of its laid back, arts and crafts nature and outdoor orientation.  But besides its unique Center for Creative Retirement, the local branch of the University of North Carolina does not provide anywhere near the magnetism of Duke, UVA and the main campus of UNC at Chapel Hill (oops, hint at a couple of the top three in there).  And after a few visits to Asheville, I am still fascinated, in a negative way, by the incomprehensible jumble of three Interstate roadways that ascend and descend on the city, which makes a commute both challenging and annoying. 

        The best choices of golf communities, unfortunately, are at some remove from Asheville, aside from the pricey Cliffs at Walnut Grove, just 10 miles from downtown.  One of the most mature and stable, Champion Hills in Hendersonville, is a good 35 minutes from the city, although Hendersonville is large enough to provide most necessary services, and the Asheville airport is a convenient 15 minutes away.  Champion Hills is the home course of its designer, Tom Fazio, who was raised in the area, and its members lavish it with much attention.

        The publicly accessible Reems Creek golf course comes closest to the feel of a British style links course.  No wonder; the designers, Hawtree & Son, are British born and bred.  Combine the reasonably priced adjacent homes with the even more reasonable membership fees, and Reems Creek is an undeniable value play in the Asheville area. 

        The most unusual area community is north of the city.  Mountain Air is a favorite of mostly well-heeled second-home owners who don't care for cold winters but appreciate the cool summers at some of the highest elevations in the mountains.  The community attracts a fair share of retired pilots because a super-convenient (but scary) landing strip, as well as the golf course, cuts across the very top of its mountain.  When I played there, I was tempted to try to hit a golf ball down the runway from one end of the mountain to the other.  I'll bet a few members have tried.



The Arthur Hills designed course at Cedar Creek in Aiken, SC, is well trafficked and well regarded for its classic design notes. 

#5     Aiken, SC

         The horse country of South Carolina ekes out the fifth position from other strong contenders, including Williamsburg, VA, Charleston, SC, and Knoxville, TN, all of which are fine options.  But Aiken offers most of the same choices as its rival larger cities without the hustle and bustle.  These include an excellent Lifelong Learning program at the local branch of the University of South Carolina, as well as a small but select group of private golf communities that each offers multiple golf courses. 

        Mount Vintage Plantation makes an immediate impression, with its rolling landscape lined with bright white fences, some of them decorative and others designed to keep the horses from straying from a few of the larger properties.  Tom Jackson's 27-hole layout is as easy on the eyes as are the surrounding hills and large plantation style homes.  Woodside Plantation offers even more golf, with three courses and another one set to open, but you will need two separate memberships to play them all.

        Cedar Creek is a little more downscale in pricing than the others and without a gated entrance or private club, but its residents are proud of their community and it shows in the landscaping and upkeep.  Cedar Creek's Arthur Hills course gets a lot of play because the layout is both interesting and challenging (and members pay a mere pittance for all the golf they can play). 

        For those who dream of classic golf, you could try to wangle yourself an invitation to play and join the legendary Palmetto Club, whose first few holes were laid out in 1892.  Over the last century, its full 18 holes have been massaged by the hand of such as Donald Ross, Alistair Mackenzie and, most recently, Tom Doak and Gil Hanse.  The course is truly a southern gem.


FREE OFFER:  A few years ago, I published a series of newsletters that featured all the communities mentioned here.  I would be happy to email any or all of them to you.  Just CLICK HERE and then indicate which area(s) you are interested in.  If you would like more up-to-date information on real estate prices and golf club membership fees in these golf- and education-rich areas, I will be pleased to provide that as well.
         An ongoing battle between inland and coastal homeowners in North Carolina has reached something of a Morton's Fork in the road.  It is a compromise but like many such compromises, both sides of the issues are dissatisfied. 

         Morton's Fork reasoning was named for King Henry VII of England's chief tax collector, who figured out a clever way to identify those who could pay the most taxes.  If merchants spent money lavishly and publicly, he levied heavy taxes on them.  If other merchants lived frugally, the Lord Chancellor reasoned that they had saved up enough money to afford to pay the king handsomely as well.  Neither group, as one might imagine, was impressed by Lord Morton's cleverness.

         The good lord came to mind today as I read an article in the Wall Street Journal about how North Carolina lawmakers have tried to split a difference between inland and coastal homeowners in the state.  Inlanders believe their fellow Tar Heel coastals

A new law in North Carolina caps state coverage for hurrciane damage at $750,000, half the previous amount.

are getting too good a deal on insurance.  The issue is about hurricane coverage and, simply put, the state provides an insurance pool for homeowners whose homes are damaged or destroyed by storms.  Until the new law was passed recently, up to $1.5 million was available to thousands of coastal homeowners with properties worth that or more.  Now with the new law, which was enacted largely to appease inland owners who contribute to the pool even though their homes are valued at hundreds of thousands of dollars less than those at the beach, state lawmakers have cut the total available to $750,000.  This means that, to protect themselves, coastal owners need to go out and buy additional private insurance at high prices, in some cases tens of thousands of dollars.

         But inland owners are not off the hook entirely.  In the event of a major hurricane that causes damage in excess of the $1 billion private insurers are compelled to cover, inland policyholders in North Carolina will be on the hook to help pay the difference.  That could mean surcharges on their own premiums of up to 10%.

         Lord Morton would be proud.  Those interested in a golf community along North Carolina's beautiful coast should take note.