The choice of a golf retirement home may be the last big financial decision any of us make.  Alternately, the purchase of a vacation home could affect the rest of our lives -- for better if it becomes a source of great family enjoyment and relaxation, or worse, if it turns out to be an ill-timed investment.  The future, as Yogi Berra might say, is ahead of us, but few of us can predict it.  We just make the best decisions we can with the information we have.

        When shopping for a golf community home, the best information does not come from marketing brochures, the Internet or even from the

The latest issue announces the location for our first ever Home On The Course "Discovery Weekend."

unsolicited comments of people who live in a particular golf community; the best information comes from doing our homework before a visit to a golf community and from asking some tough questions when we do visit.  (Need we say that no one should ever purchase land or a home without at least seeing it first?)

        In our latest (September) Home On The Course newsletter (just click on the box at the top of this column to subscribe), we detail a few of the most important questions you should ask to assess a golf community’s financial health and stability.  And we also take a look at a few specific markets north and south to see how prices have moved in the last three years; we can’t predict the future, but the past certainly can hold a few clues to what might happen in the coming years.  And, finally, we announce our first ever Home On The Course “Discovery Weekend” at one of the U.S.’s best-managed golf communities.  Space for the four-day event is extremely limited, and we won’t announce the community’s identity here for another few weeks; if you want to know now which one it is, you’ll have to subscribe to Home On The Course.  And before you label that as extortion, understand that the newsletter is free, which makes it the best investment related to golf communities that you can make…at least for now.


If you know this golf hole, then you know where we will host our first "discovery weekend" later this year.  If not, and you really want to know soon, sign up for our free Home On The Course newsletter today.  Just click on the box at the top of this column to subscribe and the editor will personally send you a copy of the September issue.

        Rick Vogel, one of our most dedicated and careful readers, took our piece on the health benefits of golf (see article below) one giant leap forward.  He wrote:

        "I liked your latest Golf Community Reviews [piece] but I'm wondering if you may have stopped your logic train ahead of its last station.  Consider... The worse you play, the more you walk.  The more you walk, the healthier you are.  The healthier you are, the more you play.  The more you play, the better you get.  The better you get, the less you walk.  The less you walk, the unhealthier you are.  The unhealthier you are, the worse you play.  The worse you play, the more you infinitum.  Could we not therefore conclude that golf is, in fact, a game that is both good and bad for your health and your score?"

        Indeed we could conclude that.  A brilliant deduction from a guy who doesn't even play golf!  Thanks Rick.