Non-golfer figures out yin and yang of golf

        Rick Vogel, one of our most dedicated and careful readers, took our piece on the health benefits of golf (see article below) one giant leap forward.  He wrote:

        "I liked your latest Golf Community Reviews [piece] but I'm wondering if you may have stopped your logic train ahead of its last station.  Consider... The worse you play, the more you walk.  The more you walk, the healthier you are.  The healthier you are, the more you play.  The more you play, the better you get.  The better you get, the less you walk.  The less you walk, the unhealthier you are.  The unhealthier you are, the worse you play.  The worse you play, the more you infinitum.  Could we not therefore conclude that golf is, in fact, a game that is both good and bad for your health and your score?"

        Indeed we could conclude that.  A brilliant deduction from a guy who doesn't even play golf!  Thanks Rick.

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