The silly season of national politics landed in my email inbox last week. I might have ignored the item if a) it had nothing to do with real estate and b) if it wasn’t so deceptive in its implications for home sellers.

        It all started when a Realtor I know received an email from a Realtor he knows that referenced a surtax of 3.8% in the Affordable Care Act (you may know it by its pejorative, ObamaCare). Reading mostly only the subject line, and missing its hysterical doomsday implications, my Realtor friend passed the message on to a couple

Small business owners don't think about taxation when they envision their businesses.  Neither should home sellers.

of dozen others, mostly other Realtors. The email then caused a flurry of political comments, some of them vicious and stupid by one particular Realtor. I guess I started it by simply asking everyone on the list to read the entire article at, which typically does a good job of separating fact from rumor.

        The original sender commented that Realtors would find it impossible to sell homes because people who wanted to sell their homes wouldn’t do so because of the onerous tax. Her naïve reading of the provision in the Affordable Care Act was that a “transfer tax” of 3.8% would be applied to the selling price of a home. In point of fact, that is nonsense; the tax is on investment income, not on the sale of the home.

        Here is how the tax is applied. First of all, if you qualify for a $500,000 exclusion on profits in your home (for joint-filers, $250,000 for singles), then you still qualify for it. Second, the 3.8% is a surtax on investment income for couples earning more than $250,000 annually, not a transfer tax. Even then, such high earners will not be liable for the surtax if their income is “solely earned,” that is from salaries and other income from active participation in a business. Those who derive a sizable portion of their income from dividends, interest, capital gains and rental income may be subject to the surtax but, again, only after the $500,000 exclusion (for a married couple).

        In short, the only folks who need worry about the 3.8% surtax are those who make in excess of a $500,000 profit on the sale of their homes and receive most of their other income from passive investments. Ken Harney, a real estate expert writing in the Hartford Courant’s real estate section last Sunday, gave the following example provided to him by the National Association of Realtors:

        “Say you and your spouse have adjustable gross income of $325,000 and you sell your home at a $525,000 profit. Assuming you qualify, $500,000 of that gain is wiped off the slate for tax purposes. The additional $25,000 gain qualifies as net investment income under the health care law, giving you a revised AGI of $350,000. Since the law imposes the 3.8% surtax on the lesser of either the amount your revised AIG exceeds the $250,000 threshold for joint filers ($100,000 in this case) or the amount of your taxable gain ($25,000), you end up owing a surtax of $950 ($25,000 x .038).”

        The current debate about taxes and their effect on both business and homeowners is silly. I can honestly say that I did not consider tax issues for one second when I conceived my small business, and neither did any of my small-business friends. Couples selling their homes in the near future shouldn’t think about the taxes either.

        A touching story from Savannah Lakes, the sprawling and rural golf community in South Carolina, near the Georgia border, reminds us of the kindness of strangers, even those with whom you might have been in tough negotiations for the sale of a home. It also says something about extreme customer service by a real estate agent.

        Michael Sherard, the principal real estate professional at Savannah Lakes, published a story in his monthly customer newsletter about a couple from Texas he helped to purchase a re-sale home in Savannah Lakes. After the sale of the home but before they moved to Savannah Lakes, the Texas couple’s beloved dog of 15 years passed away. They were crushed and,

The wife did not know her husband was building a house. She didn't know about the mistress either.

as any dedicated pet owner will understand, did not want to leave their beloved’s remains behind in Texas. The couple that sold them the house in Savannah Lakes agreed to let them bury their pet in the backyard of what was not quite yet their new home. And who took on the role of gravedigger? It was realtor Sherard, who volunteered to dig and prepare the pooch’s eternal resting place. Kindnesses all around.

        I heard another kindness-of-neighbors story recently during a two-day golf outing in a coastal South Carolina community. In our foursome was a resident of the community, and as we passed a home that was nearing final construction, he told us the following story. The man who was building the house paid a visit to check out the late stages of construction. The next-door neighbors, who had lived there for a few years, were away on the day of his visit but heard he had been there. They contacted the golf club for his home phone number up north and called his house to introduce themselves and welcome the couple to the community. His wife answered, and when they said they were sorry they had missed her husband’s visit, she responded: “We aren’t building a house there?”

        As it turned out, they weren’t building a house, but her husband was -- for himself and his mistress. He was waiting, the story goes, until the house was finished before telling his wife. We wonder how that first conversation with his new neighbors went after he moved in.


        If Savannah Lakes, which features two 18-hole layouts and reasonably priced real estate adjacent to large Lake Thurmond, sounds like a place you might consider for a vacation home or permanent home, contact me and I will put you in touch with Michael Sherard.  And if your curiosity has the best of you, and you want to know the identity of the golf community in the second story, let me know and I will share it.