How many times on a family vacation have you heard the words, "Honey, why don't you go play golf and have a good time"?  Here's one way you can make it happen on a Myrtle Beach vacation; take him/her to Brookgreen Gardens in Litchfield Beach.  No matter how your golf game turns out, you will score points at home.
    Brookgreen was the home of Archer and Anna Hyatt Huntington, a wealthy couple who collected art and, in Mrs. Huntington's case, produced it.  In 1931 they created a foundation to protect and display their vast collection of sculptures and other works in a natural setting of equally sculpted gardens.  I have not met any first time visitors to Brookgreen who are unimpressed.  Most are shocked that such a place exists in the Low Country.  
     I took a few photos yesterday during a four-hour stroll with my wife through the gardens (see below).  And today, she kissed me goodbye and wished me to have a good time during my two days of golf in Charleston.  See; it works.
    I'll have reviews of Daniel Island, and its Tom Fazio course, as well as Briar's Creek (John's Island) in the coming days.  In the meantime, you can follow my brief comments about my trip at  Search for HomeOnTheCourse.





    Resistance is futile.  No matter how self-indulgent I may think "tweeting" is, Twitter is a proper medium for me to file first impressions of a golf community and golf course I am reviewing, in real time.  So here goes, my first tweets for Golf Community Reviews later today when I visit Daniel Island, near Charleston, SC.  Tomorrow, it is Briar's Creek, the upscale community on John's Island, site of the summer residence of the first lady of South Carolina and her sons while her husband/their father was off canoodling in Argentina.
    To those who choose to follow me on Twitter, I will do my best to file only relevant information; e.g. nothing about what I had for breakfast unless a) it is in a restaurant I think worthy of your dollars or b) I break a tooth on a raisin and decide to out the cereal maker.  Although my initial impressions will be short and sweet, I will follow up with the customary longer reviews and photos right here at Golf Community Reviews.
    Twitter confines its authors to no more than 140 characters per communiqué; it will take about 10 seconds to digest each tweet.  To sign up to receive my short and sweet observations, go to and follow the simple registration procedure.  Once you are signed up, search for "HomeOnTheCourse" and indicate you want to follow me.  You can also start tweeting yourself.  Or follow Stewart Cink and any of the millions of others who have something to say in less than 140 characters.
    I look forward to your feedback.  And thanks for reading Golf Community Reviews.

Larry Gavrich, Editor