With typical Cliffs Community fanfare, developer Jim Anthony and Gary Player announced in 2006 that not only would the legendary golfer design the golf course at The Cliffs in Mountain Park, but also that he would move his business and family to the South Carolina community.  Next month, Player's 8,000 square foot $5 million home at The Cliffs at Mountain Park will be completed -- at least two years before his course is.

         The course was initially slated to have been completed by now, but local environmental groups have thwarted progress.  To date, just three holes are built while Cliffs owner Jim Anthony and his lawyers try to negotiate a

Trout are holding up a Cliffs Communities golf course design by Gary Player, and threatening to do the same to Tiger Woods' course.

settlement with a range of environmental groups representing as many as 20,000 citizens.  The main issues center on the North Saluda River, over which Player's design would put 15 bridges for cart traffic -- and Anthony would build one more for resident traffic.  The local groups argue that there are better routings for the course that would not affect one of the few substantial trout habitats in the state.

         Golf course completion is now expected to be in 2011, assuming agreements are reached.

         Mountain Park is not the only environmental battle Anthony and The Cliffs face.  The developer's much-ballyhooed High Mountain project, where Tiger Woods is making his American design debut, is also being assailed by local groups for its plan to bury hundreds of feet of the headwaters of trout streams underground.  Some concerned citizens believe such an action will alter water quality downstream.

            Meanwhile, Gary Player and his family are undeterred by the local imbroglios and could spend the upcoming holidays in their new home.  Marc Player, son and CEO of his dad's company, led a local TV station on a tour of the almost-finished home a few weeks ago.  If you want a look, click here.



Toughest golf course in the world

         In case you missed it, CNN carried a charming story about the only golf course in Afghanistan and its indefatigable owner, Mohammed Afzal Abdul (and, on some days, its only player).  The course, just outside of Kabul, is all hardscrabble and sand, with a little oil mixed in for the putting surfaces.  It has survived challenges no golf course in America has ever had to face, including the Russian and Taliban armies. 

        Words of advice to the owner of the course, now that he has been on CNN worldwide:  Copyright and put your "Kabul Golf Club" cap up for sale on eBay.  You'll make enough to plant grass greens.  Watch the CNN piece by clicking here.   Read a related article at CNN's web site (click here)



The 6th hole of the Ocean Course is one of 72 fine golf holes at the Amelia Island Resort.

Another golf resort files Chapter 11

        Amelia Island Resort, a perfectly nice golf and ocean resort near Jacksonville, FL, never garnered quite the attention as a buddy golf destination as did its northern competitors of Hilton Head Island and Myrtle Beach, nor the upscale cachet of a Kiawah or Sea Island.  When I visited the resort, I thought its golf courses well designed and laid out, but their turf pockmarked by uncaring traveling golfers who fixed neither divots nor ball marks.  I also thought the service around the bag drop was chaotic, the attitudes of the staff a bit brusque and the practice green between the clubhouse and first tee at one of the courses a joke -- enough room there for about four golfers at a time.

        When times are good and golf resorts crowded, such niggling criticisms don't much affect the revenue stream.  But that has changed since 2006, and this week, Amelia Island Resort's owners ran out of time, at least under its current organization.  The group filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, which gives it some breathing room to reorganize.  A local investor group reportedly is injecting money into the venture.  Here's hoping Amelia comes back healthy and stronger after a bit of pruning.


One rock forward, hundreds back

         We wrote here a few days ago about a recent rockslide near Asheville, NC, that took out a portion of Interstate 40.  As if on cue, work crews in Tennessee were removing one large boulder from Highway 64 this week, and videotaping their work, when tons more of rocks and trees slid onto the roadway.  Fortunately, no one was hurt, and the boulder crushing machine was safely removed before it was pulverized.  It makes for compelling video, which you can watch by clicking here.