This is the third and final installment of Scott Simpson's review of Old Macdonald, the newest course at Bandon Dunes Golf Resort.


When a controversy is hotly contested whether this or that hazard is fair, it is the kind of hazard you want and has real merit

-- C.B. MacDonald


The Outward Nine

No. 6 – Long

        Tom Doak and Jim Urbina’s homage at Old Macdonald to the 14th at the Old Course at St. Andrews successfully recreates the classic hole's wide range of options.  The safest play off the tee is out to the right, where no trouble can be found.  This, however, lengthens the hole, and brings into play the course's memorable version of Hell Bunker, built up from fairway level with railway sleepers to enhance its visual intimidation.  The aggressive play is further left, where a series of well-placed fairway bunkers will impede the player’s forward progress.  The hole was quite reachable in the downwind conditions I experienced, but against typical summer winds it would most definitely be a 3-shotter and Hell Bunker, some 110 yards short of the green, would be a major consideration on the second shot.

OldMacHellBunker Our playing partner, Stephen Hutchison, a hardy Glaswegian, lives to tell of his visit to Hell Bunker.  Playing downwind, the hole was reachable with a good drive.  Into the prevailing summer winds, the player must decide whether to attempt to carry Hell on his second to create a birdie opportunity.  The bunker was originally built with new railroad sleepers, which were deemed too artificial looking; they were replaced to create a hazard that looks like it’s been there since the beginning of time.


        The green complex on the 6th is one of my favorites on the golf course.  A well-designed raised knob on the front right section of the green is perfectly placed to repel low-running approach shots, though not in excessively penal fashion.  The green is also sloped from front to back, ensuring that all overly aggressive (or, again from personal experience, slightly thin) approach shots will inevitably feed into a truly evil pot bunker tucked behind the green and not visible to the player until it is too late.


No. 7 – Ocean

        Irony alert!  Perhaps the most talked-about and photographed hole on the golf course has absolutely nothing to do with C.B. Macdonald (unless, unbeknownst to me, Macdonald expressed an opinion on the proper location of turnstands), nor does it have an historical precedent in the Old World. It does, however, boast one heck of a site for a green and is sure to be a highlight of the player’s round.

OldMac7approach  The daunting view of the seventh green, where only the top of the flagstick is visible to the player.  The relatively small green (at least by Old Mac standards) is actually a rectangle, though set at an odd angle with the deepest section on the far right, requiring exacting judgment of distance, elevation and wind.  As with many of the designs, the player can hit his tee shot as far right as he wants, but the aggressive line to the left, which brings bunkers and rough into play, offers the preferred angle into the green.


        The green sits on the dune separating the Old Mac property from the Pacific.  Mike Keiser wanted to put the turnstand on the far side of the dune facing the Ocean, affording the player a spectacular vista in which to enjoy a brief respite and also ensuring that it would not be visible from the course.   The story goes that Doak was struggling with that particular portion of his routing, and that Keiser’s suggestion to put the green on top of the dune led to a series of pieces falling into place, most notably allowing for the placement of the 8th tee next to the 7th green and utilization of a promising landform for the Biarritz green.

OldMac7thgreenTop, the view from atop the seventh green.  Long isn’t good, though throughout the entire resort the Pacific Ocean is marked with red stakes (in fact, most have long since turned pink from their time in the sun) denoting a lateral hazard, which precludes recycling the old joke that the nearest point of relief is Hawaii.  Bottom a room with a view, picnic tables near the 7th hole turnstand, which became known amongst the construction crew as the “champagne turnstand.”


The object of a bunker or trap is not only to punish a physical mistake, to punish lack of control, but also to punish pride and egotism -– C.B. Macdonald


The Inward Nine

No. 11 – Road

        Designing from a template that is arguably the most famous hole in golf isn’t for the faint of heart, but the Old Mac design team doesn’t disappoint.  In fact, if the hole wasn’t named Road, I doubt that many would connect the dots.  Admittedly, that’s in part because they didn’t build a replica of the Old Course Hotel to launch tee shots over, and there’s no gravel road or stone wall behind the green, only a tightly mowed collection area.

        But despite these minor oversights, they got the essence of the hole dead right.  The inherent difficulty of the Road Hole is the angle at which the green sits, canting away from the fairway at a severe right-to-left angle.  Because of this angle, a tee shot up the right side affords the far better angle into the green but, and by now the reader will anticipate where I’m going, there’s trouble to be found on that line in the form of a gaggle of deep fairway bunkers.  Left is always a safe line on this Road Hole, though it typically results in a more difficult angle of approach, especially to a pin on the back half of the green.

OldMacRoadHoleScottescapes  The author escapes from the dreaded Road Bunker, photo courtesy of super-caddy Joe Macarthur.  This version of the Road Bunker appeared a bit wider and shallower than the original, but still sufficiently penal to command respect.  Alas, a lipped-out ten-footer denied me a rare Road Bunker sandie.

        Into the prevailing wind, the hole would certainly be a bear worthy of its namesake, with all but the longest hitters forced to play it as a three-shotter.  We necessarily tend to focus on avoiding the Road Bunker, as it inevitably leads to a bogey.  But there’s a spot that’s many orders of magnitude more penal, the rock hard turf just short of the bunker.  The player simply must keep his second shot well to the right (though long left is also an option), or he might as well pick up and put the six or seven on his scorecard.  Jack Nicklaus used to refer to the original as a Par 4 ½, and the same logic applies here.  Play for a five, and with luck a four might be found.  But the player determined to make four is far more likely to end up with a crooked number on his scorecard.


No. 16 – Alps 

        If you’re averse to blind shots, the Alps won’t be your cup of tea.  Modeled after the famed 17th at Prestwick, Alps requires a blind second shot over a dune to a hidden green.  While the green is appropriately large, more than 45 yards deep, several deep bunkers, including one built up utilizing railroad sleepers, await the imprecise approach shot.


Top, the view from the tee box on Alps. A well struck drive towards the group on the right will reward the player with a partial view of the green.  However, because this line carries directly over the most visually intimidating of several bunkers surrounding the green, as in the bottom picture, some players may consider the visibility a decidedly mixed blessing.




        In a nod to a bygone era, after holing out the players ring a bell so that those in the fairway behind know that the green is clear.


No. 18 – Punchbowl

        The Doak/Urbina rendering of this iconic template is the perfect coda for one’s day at Old Mac.  The player’s anticipation of this challenge actually began some four hours earlier, as the Punchbowl to the right of the first fairway, with its unique and seemingly contrived landforms, inevitably engenders confusion.  But now the player must give it his full attention and, preferably aided by one of the resort’s extremely helpful loopers, commit to a plan of attack.

OldMac18Punchbowlfromapproach  The player’s view of the Punchbowl 18th green from the fairway, offering a wide range of shot options.  The severe left-to-right slope is generally the best route to a pin on the left half of the green.  For a pin further right the player has front, back and sideboards at his disposal as well.


        Unlike the Sleepy Hollow version, this iteration benefits greatly from being entirely above ground.  The player selects his intended ball flight and then can watch, for better or worse, the results of his efforts.  Also unlike Sleepy Hollow, this Punchbowl works equally well for a short pitch as it does for a longer club.  On one short pitch to the green, Joe and I quickly ticked off three viable routes to the pin, each involving a different loft played on entirely different lines utilizing alternative features of the green complex.

        The large green, some 18,000 square feet, slopes hard from the player’s left to right.  Thus, any ball run onto the left side of the green will make an almost 90 degree right turn, providing an effective path to many cup locations.  I simply can’t conceive of how the approach shot into this Punchbowl could be any more fun, given the wide range of shot options available to the player.

OldMacreading18thgreen  Joe gives a sense of the dramatic slope of the green, demonstrating to the author the line for a putt from just outside the lower right corner of this photo.  The backboard visible behind the green was an effective route for pins deeper and further right on the green.


        The reader will note that I’ve not discussed many of the better known Macdonald templates, most notably the Redan and Biarritz, largely as a result of the conditions in which we played.  Into the wind on all three occasions, the Redan was easily the most difficult Par three on the course.  To give the reader a sense of the wind, one afternoon we played it at about 162 yards, and a perfectly struck 20-degree hybrid, usually my 210 yard club, barely crawled onto the front of the green.  Under those conditions, it was still a great golf hole; it just unfortunately didn’t play as a Redan.

        As noted above, there are several extremely enjoyable holes with more tenuous connections to Macdonald’s design templates. Notable among these is the 14th, a short Par 4 called Maiden, a Seth Raynor design concept featuring a green with three separate sections, with the outside two plateaus significantly elevated.  The green is tucked against the face of Back Ridge, offering the player an effective backboard, at least on the left half of the green.  While it’s the green complex that gives the hole its name, it’s a cracker of a driving hole, with a hard right-to-left sloping fairway funneling misplaced tee shots into another visually arresting bunker.  On a different hole this might be unfair, but the hole is short enough that par is still feasible from the bunker, as the author did by effectively (or luckily) utilizing the backstop.

        With the 14th green tucked into Back Ridge, the tee box on the Par 5 15th, Westward Ho, is similarly elevated.  After the downhill tee shot, the hole sweeps left to right up the coastal dune parallel to the seventh.  The extremely large green, some 60 yards deep, invites the player to have a go, but a well-placed bunker short-right will catch any timid offerings.  The 17th hole, Littlestone, also a three-shotter, effectively utilizes a small wetland area to create a second fairway option to the right.  Risking calamity in failing to carry the hazard will reward the longer player with a chance to reach the green in two.


Top, the view from the tee on the short Par 4 14th, called Maiden.  The challenge is to start the drive far enough to the right to avoid the large bunker running the entire length of the landing area.  Bottom, the 15th hole is a mid-length Par 5 called Westward Ho, which plays in a due westward direction from its tee on Back Ridge towards the Pacific Ocean.  It offers the players a last look at the Pacific Ocean and visit to the “champagne turnstand” before turning eastward towards home.



        Old Macdonald is a stunning accomplishment, an incredibly bold vision executed perfectly.  It’s playable for golfers of all levels of ability, with not a single forced carry and almost no rough, yet will challenge and occasionally torment the low handicapper.  And while those who come for the unique Macdonald experience will of course focus on the execution of his templates, those for whom it is just another stop on the Bandon shuttle bus will find a worthy test of golf.  To close, I’ll again defer to Stephen Goodwin, who after playing Old Mac for the first time characterized it as “serious fun,” a formulation that perfectly captures the wide array of pleasures that await.


Scott Simpson is an itinerant golfer who lives in Westchester County (NY) and, we are pleased to say, is a dedicated reader of this blog site.  We are envious of the international roster of golf courses he has played but extremely grateful that he has chosen Golf Community Reviews in which to recount his entertaining vists to some of the world's great golfing venues.


This is the second part of a review of Old Macdonald Golf Club at Bandon Dunes.  Text and photos by Scott Simpson


Putting greens are to golf courses what faces are to portraits

   – C.B. Macdonald


        If the fairways at Old Macdonald are supersized, then the greens are absolutely ginormous.  Those that measure such things tell us that the Old Mac greens total 6.3 acres, topping the previous record holder, that aforementioned muni in the Kingdom of Fife (the reader may quickly tire of comparisons to the Old Course at St. Andrews, but there’s no avoiding it, especially as three of the holes are specifically modeled on Old Course templates).  The green on No. 5, Old Mac’s Short hole, comprises some 20,000 square feet, and that’s on the shortest hole on the golf course (though, as with typical Macdonald short holes, the green is actually several different plateaus with a 9 to 10 foot elevation change, and the challenge is to hit the far smaller target).  The measurement of the greens is amusing in itself, as I would challenge anyone to define where the aprons end and the greens begin, such is the seamlessness of the transition areas.

        As the final step in the evolution of Team Keiser’s experience, Old Mac was the first course at Bandon Dunes seeded entirely in fescue.  This was the subject of much debate and experimentation in building the original

Green size is a matter of conjecture since it is almost impossible to determine where the aprons end and putting surface begins.

Bandon Dunes course, as there was no certainty as to how fescue, the indigenous grass of true linksland, would perform on the Southern coast of Oregon.  In recounting the evolution of the resort and Old Mac, I rely extensively on Stephen Goodwin’s Dream Golf – The Making of Bandon Dunes, his highly readable and absorbing account of the development of the resort.  To hedge their bets, the original Bandon Dunes course was seeded with a blend of 80% fescue and 20% bent grass, and they gradually reduced the bent percentage in the subsequent courses.  Somewhere, I recall, perhaps in Dream Golf, the difference was explained by analogizing bent grass to playing off wall-to-wall carpet, with fescue more like playing off a hardwood floor.  Old Mac, much more than its sister courses, has that authentic rock hard feel of authentic linksland, with a corresponding effect on play.

        The property itself is mostly flat, with the exception of two significant dunes lines.  The most notable of these is a large dune separating the site from the Pacific Ocean (see below).  The second formation is Back Ridge, a large dune line that runs almost the entire length of the Bandon property and serves as the western boundary of both Bandon Dunes and Pacific Dunes.  Because the clubhouse needed to be located to the east of Back Ridge, near the road in a small flat section that now contains the first, second, 17th and 18th holes, the routing needed to move the players over and back in the course of play.  This was accomplished imaginatively on the outbound trek by having the players launch their tee shots on the third hole, Sahara, over Back Ridge, with the most aggressive line dangerously close to a dramatic dead cedar tree.


Above, a group of golfers traverses Back Ridge in the early morning light after hitting their tee shots over the dune. The aggressive line comes close to the ghost tree, a distinctive dead cedar visible from most of the course.


        From the top of Back Ridge the player gets his first view of the expansive bowl in which the bulk of the golf course is situated.  The land initially appears flat, especially from a distance, masking dramatic undulations, which up close resemble nothing so much as an unmade bed.  But it was a few days later, scanning Old Mac from the 14th hole at Pacific Dunes, that I saw why so many have compared it to the grounds of the Old Course.  It has that same appearance of uniformity when you first scan the breadth of the valley, but any time you focus on a specific section of the course, the furrows and interesting landforms become evident.  As I once noted long ago about the Old Course, it’s flat as the proverbial pancake, except inevitably for the specific spot on which your golf ball settles.



The view looking back from behind the third green, including the ghost tree on Back Ridge. Although any respectable drive leaves only a wedge in, the green is a staggering fifty yards deep. The lag putt may be the most important shot to have in your arsenal at Old Mac, but where does one practice 150 foot putts?

Next:  Hole by hole assessment