Join Us for a Fall Discovery Weekend
at Carolina Colours, New Bern, NC
Oct 29 to Nov 1, 2015
Announcing a Home On The Course & Discovery Weekend at the Carolina Colours community in coastal New Bern, NC, October 29 to November 1. The first 12 couples to sign up for this exclusive weekend and remit payment of just $350 (per couple) will enjoy the following:

- Waterfront hotel for three nights
- Boat cruise on the Neuse River Golf on Friday & Saturday
- Non-golfer activities include tour of Tryon Palace, the New Bern history museum, local arts & culture sites
- Friday evening cocktail hour & buffet dinner with Carolina Colours residents
- Special Southern-cook-created lunch on Saturday Tour of Carolina Colours with a resident expert
- Opportunity to look through specific properties and homes currently for sale; information about building processes and prices from site contractors.
- Panel discussion: "How to Search for a Golf Community Home"*
* Panel includes: Ken Kirkman, Carolina Colours General Manager and veteran golf community developer (Landfall, Bald Head Island); Pat Mason, Co-Founder, Center for Carolina Living; and Larry Gavrich, Founder/Editor, Home On The Course.
Come discover New Bern and Carolina Colours, and have fun while you’re at it. For more information and to reserve your spot for this exclusive opportunity, contact Larry Gavrich.
To sign up, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Join Us for a Fall Discovery Weekend
at Carolina Colours, New Bern, NC
Oct 29 to Nov 1, 2015
Announcing a Home On The Course & Discovery Weekend at the Carolina Colours community in coastal New Bern, NC, October 29 to November 1. The first 12 couples to sign up for this exclusive weekend and remit payment of just $350 (per couple) will enjoy the following:

- Waterfront hotel for three nights
- Boat cruise on the Neuse River Golf on Friday & Saturday
- Non-golfer activities include tour of Tryon Palace, the New Bern history museum, local arts & culture sites
- Friday evening cocktail hour & buffet dinner with Carolina Colours residents
- Special Southern-cook-created lunch on Saturday Tour of Carolina Colours with a resident expert
- Opportunity to look through specific properties and homes currently for sale; information about building processes and prices from site contractors.
- Panel discussion: "How to Search for a Golf Community Home"*
* Panel includes: Ken Kirkman, Carolina Colours General Manager and veteran golf community developer (Landfall, Bald Head Island); Pat Mason, Co-Founder, Center for Carolina Living; and Larry Gavrich, Founder/Editor, Home On The Course.
Come discover New Bern and Carolina Colours, and have fun while you’re at it. For more information and to reserve your spot for this exclusive opportunity, contact Larry Gavrich.
To sign up, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.