August Home On The Course set to mail

I am making like a Parisian and taking a breather from writing a totally original article this month for our free Home On The Course newsletter. I have “repurposed,” as they like to say in the business world, an article I wrote months ago at this site, about how some golf community marketing insults our intelligence when it lays on the adjectives and adverbs much too thickly, and describe themselves as “unique” (aren’t they all?).

        However, the newsletter also features some totally new material, a comparison of the cost of living in selected cities in the northern U.S. with the fascinating area around Savannah, GA.  I think you will be surprised at some of the numbers.

        By the way, I published an entire newsletter a few years ago that was dedicated to Savannah and its golf communities.  I would be happy to email it to anyone who sends me a request for it (click here to contact me).

        Enjoy the August issue of Home On The Course.


Ford Plantation, like the nearby city of Savannah, is dripping with atmosphere.  The August Home On The Course features a cost of living assessment for Savannah.

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