Duh: You are smarter than an economist

        Most of the reports today of a drop in new home sales include the footnote that “economists were surprised.”  Well, there’s a news bulletin for you.  Aren’t these the same guys who stood mute as the whole economic mess unfolded, and then made livings out of unhelpful after-the-fact analyses?

        According to reports, these geniuses expected the new home sales figure for December to be about 44,000 homes more than the reported 342,000.  Oops...again.

        I was an English major; therefore, almost by definition, numbers are not my strong suit.  But you don’t

You don't need to know math to understand why new homes aren't built.

need to know your multiplication tables to understand that a continuing rush of foreclosures, an unprecedented percentage of homeowners “under water” (mortgages greater than the values of their homes) and a double-digit national unemployment figure are, together, a huge drag on new home purchases.  The new-home builders are obviously way smarter than the economists (the more so for not listening to them).

        Sure, back in the days when price was almost irrelevant in buying a home in a rapidly rising market, most people wanted that new house smell.  It is a rush to be able to select your color scheme, appliances and flooring.  But that was then, and this is now:  Millions of homeowners so desperate to unload their homes before they face foreclosure that you could probably gut and refinish a 20-year old home to your desires and still have some money left over, compared with what you’d pay for a comparable new home.

        In this economy, a tremendous bargain smells a lot better than a new home.

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