Premier Resorts at the Barefoot Resort is inviting guests to stay for five
Premier Resorts is inviting vacationers to decide what their stay is worth.
The psychology here is interesting. Premier must believe both that it can provide a quality stay for its patrons and, also, that those patrons, if satisfied, will pay a fair price for the stay. Premier is betting that the definition of "fair" will at least cover their costs and set the hook for a return visit at some other time at "normal" prices. One wonders, though, if you stay at a place for say, $50 a night, will you return another time $125 a night or more, no matter how good a time you had? Maybe...
As you would expect, there are a limited number of rooms available for the Premier package, so book soon if you can. Myrtle Beach offers the biggest buffet of golf anywhere, including four excellent courses at the Barefoot Resort. For the most part, all courses on the Grand Strand are lightly trafficked in the heat of the summer, and the prices are the lowest of the year. Make sure you have access to cold water or Gatorade and you should be fine.
Click here for more details. I know the Myrtle Beach area well, its golf courses and golf communities, and if you want a recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me.